Have You Experienced The “Information Overload” Problem?
One of the biggest problems guitarists face today is information overload.
With all of the so-called “free” YouTube guitar lessons out there, you might think you have access to everything you’d ever need in order to become a great guitar player.
This is a HUGE mistake…and it’s not your fault!
Let me explain the “trap” that you have probably fallen into…
The 5 problems with “free” online guitar lessons (especially YouTube)
- PROBLEM 1: There’s so MUCH information available, that you think you can avoid private lessons and just “learn it all by yourself.”
- PROBLEM 2: The information is totally out of order. This makes steady progress impossible.
- PROBLEM 3: The information is not in a centralized place, so you spend most of your time hopping around in search of a lesson.
- PROBLEM 4: The algorithms care about addicting you, not teaching you, so they show you “popular” but useless lessons.
- PROBLEM 5: You have no teacher or coach guiding you and correcting you with individualized personal feedback – enabling bad habits to settle in.
Psst …It’s NOT Your Fault – I’ve Been There!
I know exactly how you feel.
As a young music student, I was in a similar situation as you are right now.
- I was 19 years old and trying to learn jazz guitar all by myself.
- I tried watching videos, buying jazz books and “learning licks”…nothing worked.
- After 2 years of trying to do it by myself, I still didn’t understand how to play jazz.
Here’s How It All Changed…
- I finally admitted to myself that I couldn’t figure it out alone.
- I went looking and found a teacher who “resonated” with me.
- I trusted that he could solve my problem.
- He was a master musician and got me on track.
- He had a step-by-step course of study planned out for me.
- He always knew what I needed to work on next.
- He gave me in-the-moment constructive feedback during our weekly lessons.
- I FINALLY stopped spending my time and energy “searching” and got down to learning, practicing, and improving.
And then I had my “AHA” moment:
Since 95% of my progress came from my relationship with my teacher, I knew needed to provide my students with a relationship and personal feedback – not just videos and pdfs!
Progress With a Teacher (95%)
Progress from Videos, Magazines & Books (5%)
Which is why I’m providing YOU direct access to me for coaching, along with video lessons covering my solo arrangements, blues, jazz and more…
Your Solution – Study With Adam
A structured, online learning platform to help take your guitar playing to the next level….

- Inside Study With Adam you’ll get guitar study “materials” like video lessons, courses, PDFS, play alongs and more.
- I’ll show you how to play my well loved arrangements and also give you courses on technique, groove, blues, pop, theory, jazz and more.
- You’ll find everything you need in a centralized place and presented in a step-by-step manner so you always know what to work on next.
Learn guitar at your own pace – from home.
- You’ll get my personal attention and guitar coaching. Our ongoing teacher-student relationship will account for 95% of your improvement.
- You’ll get weekly check in emails, you can chat with me live 1-on-1 via ZOOM 15 minute check in calls, Monthly ZOOM Community chats, and Pro Player Members can upload videos to me directly for a Video Feedback Lesson
- As your mentor, I’ll help you stay “in the game,” keep you motivated, clear up your misunderstandings, and give you specific practice direction and advice.
You’ll also get what the other guitar sites leave out…
Real-Life Student Testimonials
Here’s How It Works…
Quick & Easy Application Takes Less Than 90 Seconds.
Free 14 Day Trial Available.
You’re Not In This Alone!
Study With Adam members come from all around the world.
Just log on, learn, grow and enjoy the most lively and supportive guitar community today.

Here’s What You’ll Get
You’ll love this perfect combination of home study, personal coaching and community contact.
Get Personal Video Feedback on Your Guitar Playing
When you are ready you can upload videos to me for supportive, personal coaching – and get real results.
I’ll get a notification of your upload and respond to you personally with a one-on-one Video Feedback ™ Guitar Lesson.
Private coaching with me is finally available – right from your own home.
(This feature is available only to Pro Player Members)
Join the Community!
Discover how encouragement and a positive team spirit can enhance your learning.
You’ll learn from watching the other students, seeing my feedback, and even make new friends and jamming partners.
All members can have personal interaction with me via private check-ins and the monthly SWA community ZOOM calls.
SWA Is Guaranteed to Help You…

If for any reason you feel that SWA is not right for you, just let us know within 30 days and we’ll send you a refund No-Questions-Asked, 100% Money Back Guarantee!
What Students Are Saying…
These are from people just like you who are serious about improving their guitar playing.
“I first came across Adam Rafferty searching for “learning guitar.”
Adam´s playing appealed to me, and yet I learned even more from his approach, philosophy and attitude towards the instrument and towards music making and performance in general.
I have been a happy amateur guitar player all my life, and yet his insights gave me better habits.
It helped my focus on what is important, and I recommend his site to all my friends.”

Sweden“Every single thing you said really helped, and things started coming together immediately.
I can’t believe what improvement I’m seeing just from you pointing out a few screws to turn. It’s really starting to have that signature Adam Rafferty sound always manages to elude me. I love it!”

Aaron Carlino
New Zealand“Hey Adam,
I just felt moved to drop you a line and say “thanks” for the individual advice and coaching you’ve given me so far.
You’ve gotten straight to the heart of what I need to work on to enjoy my own playing again.Activating that inner sense of rhythm and groove gets right to the core of my musical improvement.
I also love learning and playing your arrangements. Keep up the good work my friend.Best, Steve”

Steve Hardy
USA“After many years of playing guitar, I found myself in a creative funk and finally decided that lessons of some kind were badly needed.
In my dealings with Adam, I’ve also found a valuable bonus in tips and observations ranging from taking care of our hands, minds and instruments. I am very pleased and thankful to have found such a valuable wing-man as Adam Rafferty to set me back on the path!”

Dale Rates
USA“I am a guitar teacher by trade. As a teacher, player, and lover of guitar music I have been influenced by Adam in tons of positive ways.
Adam’s talent extends as a teacher just as easily as his ability to create amazing music.
He is inviting, concise, and helps you build confidence as a player approaching his catalog.
If you are willing to put in the effort, he provides all the tools you need to feel successful, and he presents the information in a sincere, insightful, and fun way!”

Dave Francis
www.guitarborist.com“I have joined the StudywithAdam.com website and it is fantastic. I can recommend it with total enthusiasm.The video lessons are really high quality and Adam breaks each song into 5 – 7 shorter video segments.This helps keep me organized and working on a realistic goal.
I am already a fairly good player but I could easily see this site being beneficial for all levels of musicians.
Frankly, the hardest part of this is choosing which song to work on next.

John LInd
Washington State, USA“Adam you have and still are an inspiration for me. I love the lessons and I’m beginning to be able to play some of your tunes a little.
I’m getting a small drum for working on your Grove thing. My wife doesn’t want me using the top of her head for a drum. Go figure?
Your Major Triads, Close Position Version 1 has really been good for me. When I get my idea down I’ll vid it for you. It’s an easy little ditty I’m doing with it.
Just watching your other students has been refreshing for me. It’s just a great way to learn new stuff and help break very bad habits.
My very best regards,

T.W. Felty
Connecticut, USAReady to Take Your Guitar Playing to the Next Level?
Start mastering the fingerboard, practice better, and play your favorite solo arrangements with effortless ease.
Let me be your personal guitar coach.

Risk-free 14 Day Trial. 30 Day No Questions Asked 100% Money Back Guarantee.